Media library

  • Amplifi Capital & LendingMetrics: ADP - Reliable, robust and scalable

    Petr Luksan, COO and CTO of Amplifi Capital discusses the benefits of ADP and the company's ongoing relationship with LendingMetrics.

  • LendingMetrics and Fair For You: Harnessing the power of automation

    James Wilkinson, from Fair For You, shares insights on the impact of the multi-award-winning Auto Decision Platform (ADP) on their lending processes. Discover how ADP has enhanced automation, streamlined decision-making, and bolstered their partnership with LendingMetrics for innovative advancements.

  • LendingMetrics and Specialist Motor Finance: Success with big lending volumes

    Ken Doyle of Specialist Motor Finance reflects on the use of the multi-award-winning Auto Decision Platform (ADP) to improve the company's decisioning processes as well as the ongoing partnership with LendingMetrics.

  • LendingMetrics and Evolution Money: Continued evolution in speed and flexibility

    Steve Daly of Evolution Money reflects on the use of the multi-award-winning Auto Decision Platform (ADP) to improve the company's decisioning processes as well as the ongoing partnership with LendingMetrics.

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