Head of Operations Paul Brown considers why more and more LendingMetrics clients don’t want their monthly catch-up calls.

From day one, we’re on hand to support and guide our clients, from the moment they engage with us, throughout the implementation stages of our products, to delivery and beyond. Part of this support service includes monthly catch-ups with our customers to review any active support tickets, look at how the project is progressing and address any potential roadblocks.

Whilst these calls are fundamental in the early stages of the project, once a client goes “live” we’re finding they have mastered the autonomous features of our software and simply do not need to talk to us. As a result, more of our customers are asking to move their monthly meetings to quarterly.  At first, I wondered if this a side-effect of the new phenomenon of “Zoom Fatigue”, or worse; our clients just don’t want to talk to us.

Luckily, that’s not quite the case. Every year we conduct an ISO-approved customer satisfaction survey and the latest results speak for themselves. We received an average score of 9.06 out of 10 for overall services received, with 9.24 out of 10 for swiftness of response to support queries. As the fifth consecutive year we’ve conducted this survey, these results mark a new record high, and go a long way towards explaining why our customers don’t want to discuss any issues: because they simply don’t have any.

Customer service is a major factor in everything we do, which is why we continue to invest in high quality technical support, with a dedicated engineer always available during working hours and additional out-of-hours support. As a result, our active support tickets are kept to a minimum, meaning we can react rapidly to any technical issues, and it’s mostly because of this approach that our multi-award-winning decisioning platform ADP has a 99.9% uptime.

With customer satisfaction at a new high, and a support system that’s clearly working, I’ll try to take it less personally when clients suggest they don’t want to talk to us. We’ll continue to schedule catch-up calls, as regular health check-ups are still important, but when they’re brief with no issues to report, I’ll see this as a positive, because I’m confident that our customers know where we are when they need us.

To find out more about LendingMetrics' exemplary customer service, get in touch today.